Keep Your Documents Up with the Digital Age

Document management strategies offer structure and stability at every organization, but as the office landscape has progressed towards the digital realm, the business of information management has significantly evolved.

When files were mostly managed and stored as paper documents, the systems used to organize and share files were designed around physical access.

As we have moved into the digital age where more documents are in an electronic format, the way files are managed has evolved to encompass much broader considerations and features. Here’s how to take the first step into Digital Transformation.

Document Management Systems (DMS)

At most modern companies, files are no longer stored onsite in file cabinets—they are stored on a local or offsite server and are accessible to all employees via software.

Document management software’s help companies organize and access their files, and they come in all scopes and sizes, and include features such as:

  • Document Indexing
  • Document Search
  • Workflow Automation
  • Dashboard and Customization Controls
  • Version Control
  • Security and Access Control
  • Mobile Applications
  • Cloud Based Services

What Does this Change Mean for Your Business?

If your company still houses most of your documents in a physical format, you may want to consider a distributed capture solution and going digital or testing out a hybrid system.

If you elect to transfer your physical files to a digital format, you have several options:

  • Go completely digital and shred your physical files when the scanning is complete
  • Scan all your files and keep the physical copies in a secure offsite facility
  • Scan some of your files, but keep some in a physical format

The direction you take your company is dependent upon your unique needs. Each company is under unique pressures and requires a customized solution to best meet the needs of employees and customers.

How Should I Manage Newly Digital Files?

If you are looking to implement an electronic document management system at your office the time is ripe. Software’s have been out for a long enough period that developers have learned exactly what types of features serve companies best, and great strides have been made in user experience and functionality.

Requirements to consider when choosing a document management system for your company include:

  • How much storage space will you need? Does your company rapidly accumulate new files—consider flexible storage options that allow you to level up as you need to.
  • Will you need to access files from remote or offsite locations? Cloud services offer cheap prices for storage and allow you to access items remotely.
  • How much security do you require for your file systems? Will a simple password do or would you like encryption and redaction capabilities?

Talk to your employees to see what types of features they would find beneficial and train everyone once the software is implemented.

Have a thorough, documented, and circulated procedure for how to manage digital files will greatly increase the success of your transition to a digital office and the digital age.

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